Dandelion Coffee — 500ml


Our Dandelion Coffee is the perfect caffiene free alternative for coffee lovers. Made with premium roasted roots of dandelion, it has an amazing range of health benefits. The key actions are a diuretic, good for detoxification and is a bitter which helps your gallbladder.

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“This is probably one of the best substitutes for coffee I have ever tasted. I found it very difficult to give up coffee, but it isn't good for gall stones so I knew I had to find an alternative. This is a good one. I heat it with the milk which gives it a creamy latte texture, it's quite delicious and I feel it has really supported my digestive health.”



About Dandelion Root

Dandelion root has been shown to significantly increase tumour necrosis factor and apoptosis (programmed cell death) meaning it has marked anti-cancer activity. The root is a key herb that gently stimulates the liver and gall bladder’s capacity to clear waste products from the body. This means that it will promote detoxification where toxicity is linked to inflammation, infection, dietary or environmental factors. It can help alleviate constipation, skin problems such as eczema, arthritic conditions and reduce any place where inflammation is present.

Dandelion root is also a good prebiotic, which is essential for gut health. It supports blood sugar stabilisation, therefore improving insulin sensitivity and preventing diabetes. It is also an essential tool for detoxification after any mild poisoning i.e. a hangover. Have it black, with your favourite milk, or with a teaspoon of coconut oil for maximum health benefits. It works great on a Keto diet with some cream or MCT oil.

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